BHC Practitioners are recognized for their eduction, skill, and leadership contributions within our community.
Collective endeavours include meal preparation at Ronald McDonald House, financial and goods donations to Crisis Nursery, Adelle House, and Saskatoon Food Bank, treatments at Muskeg Lake Cree Nation events such as Violence Against Women & Men's Days, and the Broadway Street Fair.
Your Team
Active and engaged in the community.

Pam Fichtner, RMT
In 2023 Pam was awarded a Lifetime Membership award by the Massage Therapy Association of Saskatchewan (MTAS), The Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal, and in 2022 was nominated for the WESK Community Involvement Award.

Dr. Joelle Nadeau Chiropractor
Joelle volunteers at SWITCH clinic providing care to Saskatoon's core communities and mentors a variety of medical students. As staff to the department of Family Medicine, Division of Chiropractic, she has privileges in all Saskatoon hospitals.

Paul Buffel, RMT - Lifetime Membership Award NHPC
Presented to Paul in 2019 for over 23 years of outstanding volunteer contributions to the Natural Health Profession & the Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Membership. Paul is Past President of the NHPC and a member of the Saskatchewan College of Massage Therapy (SCMT) Working Group.