In December 2021, BHC collaborated with Oskāyak High School through an Attendance Initiative designed to help youth improve attendance rates. Attendance at Oskāyak was low for a variety of reasons and the initiative sought to provide incentives for youth to attend class more regularly. The initiative had a very positive effect on the youth’s attendance, with evidence of almost a 30% improvement rate.
Board games were also donated to Oskāyak High School to facilitate a gentler start to the youth’s day. It was our hope that this would help ease the youth into more rigorous learning for extended periods of time.
Through your generous donations we collected cash and gift cards. With great appreciation, we thank you for your generosity! Gift cards were used as weekly draw incentives to encourage youth to attend classes. Cash donations raised $800 that was earmarked for an end of year award. The Bike Doctor graciously donated $200 to make it an even $1000. It was decided that the student with the best overall attendance would be given the end of year award.
We are so proud to award Noah Wilkinson-Lerat with the first ever Broadway Health Collective Attendance Award. Noah made an incredible commitment to their family, friends, and school with an almost perfect attendance. However, more importantly, Noah made a commitment to themself to show up almost every day to be present for their learning. They made a commitment to learn.
I was so proud to be at the Oskāyak Talent Show in June to present Noah with this very meaningful award. Noah is a caring and committed member of our community and should be proud of all their hard work and dedication to their learning journey. Congratulations, Noah!
Our hope is to be able to award the Broadway Health Collective Attendance Award each year to the student with the best attendance record. Please stay tuned for ways you can help our collaboration with Oskayak and the youth of today.