I attended the 6th International Fascia Research Congress in Montreal from September 10th - 14th. The amount of research on human fascia has grown exponentially over the past few years resulting in discoveries with practical and profound applications to improve human health and deal with chronic pain. I also took a pre-congress hands-on workshop from Til Luchau on Manual Therapy Approaches to Inflammatory Conditions.
It was like being surrounded by the brighest Studios and Stars of Hollywood, or the most famous coaches and atheletes in professional sports. The biggest names in Fascial Research and Health Clinicians were there.
The point of this Congress is to bring the latest research to the clinicians, sharing information that could lead to improved treatment approaches for supporting health and dealing with pain. Attending this conference helps me incorporate the latest research on fascia, along with clinical education, to inform my work with clients.
I want to share with you a unique opportunity for you to learn about fascia and self care approaches you can use to improve your health and deal with pain. A selection of those who spoke at the Fascia Congress in Montreal and may others will be discussing and presenting the most up to date fascial approaches based on research at the Fascia and Chronic Pain Rescue Summit from October 24th - 30th and is available to the public for free. If you want to reveiw any of the sessions at a later date there are options to purchase part or all of the conference sessions after your free registration.
If you are interested in the role your fascia plays in health and chronic pain and how to address it, click on the link here to register for free and attend any sessions that interest you: Fascia & Chronic Pain Rescue Summit Free Registration