Pam Fichtner is BHC's Lymphatic and Breast & Chest Massage Therapy Specialist. She was recently interviewed by Mark and Amanda, hosts of Toronto's "2 Massage Therapists and a Microphone" podcast.

Pam gained the attention of the two podcast hosts with a recent article she wrote about breast and chest massage therapy. Pam has been in practice for over 25 years and has been teaching therapists the importance of this work, not only for lymphatic drainage and post-op care, but for overall tissue health and support for the breast tissue.

Listen to Pam talk with Amanda and Mark about why she’s so passionate about this work, what her practice is like, and what she will be teaching as a first time presenter at the Canadian Massage Conference this fall in Saskatoon.


You can check out Pam’s course offerings at Sephira Healing and of course come see her at the CMC!